Good places to start are:
Explore the Service One application, where many services are available. Service One provides a single pathway for staff to request a service in one place, find the right service request within one minute, and complete one streamlined request for each service.It is located on the Flinders Dashboard (OKTA) found under Flinders webpage quick links.
For new and current staff the getting started and Welcome for New Staff webpages have a lot of useful information.
Browse through these College FAQs, personalised to our College’s needs and with responses to common enquiries.
Our College services guide under contacts provides key contacts and their responsibilities.
Have a quick search of Flinders staff web pages that continue to be transformed for an easy to use resource or refer to the College's Calendar for upcoming events.
Contact the Operations team on who will endeavour to assist with your query.
Operations Team:
The Operations team attempts to respond to all enquiries in reasonable timeframe. If your request or query needs support from another team, we will send your enquiry to the appropriate team and advise you.
Alternatively you can visit the Operations team location in the Sturt College Deanery. College staff at these locations can assist with many enquiries.
We have a dedicated Contract Officer in the College. You can request this service using ServiceOne.
Further information is available on the contracts management page.
The Flinders policy library contains all University-wide policies, procedures and guidelines. You will also find information on our policy framework, how policies are developed and reviewed, as well as what's new in policies.
Refer to the staff directory page for details.
The Sturt College Deanery is located at the south west corner of the Sturt North building at the Sturt Precinct.
Enter from the stairs near the oval and BBQ area or enter the building from carpark 14 entrance and go through and out the glass door on the opposite side of the building and turn right. The Deanery entrance is a short walk along the garden area.
E-mail distribution lists
New email distribution lists have been created across the university. These distribution lists will allow you to communicate with all College staff (including those who service a college but are employed in central division) and academics in a given teaching Program or research Section.
These distribution lists are moderated by senior college staff. Emails sent to moderated mailing lists will not be sent out before approval is given. Approval usually occurs within 24 hours.
Contact College Operations via if you would like further assistance to use the distribution lists.
CNHS Central is our source for all NHS news
All staff are welcome to share news and other communications, or submit news and other communications for posting on their behalf, at any time. We welcome news and announcements, celebrations of achievement, notes of thanks, information on an event, and anything else you'd love the college to hear about!
Realtime posting will ensure our staff are kept updated as things happen. Regular updates foster greater feelings of connectedness, higher engagement rates, and increased sharing of news over time.
Please find the submission form here.
These posts will appear in the news section on the home page.
Marketing manages our websites. You can request edits and updates via the college marketing business partner or via ServiceOne.
To get content updated on the Staff Portal use the Feedback and requests link at the bottom of all pages.
Send an email to and provide some background information so they can investigate and remedy where possible.
Please see the details about the use of Flinders Email Signatures and use the Email Signature generator to ensure your signature matches the Flinders brand and requirements.
We welcome and need your feedback so please send to
We will make sure it is sent to the right person or potentially, if it is something we want to share via our newsletter, all staff forums or the College blog, we may contact you for more details.
Complete and submit the online form including any image in high resolution and a short paragraph of copy explaining the context of the image.
Please email the Operations team at
Identify what you require, the date, time and location of your event and how long you will require it for so the team can place on the register. Staff are required to sign out and return these items in a prompt manner.
Contact Security with your location:
Main Campus/Sturt : 8201 2880
A staff member can lodge a request for access via Service One. Service One can be accessed through Flinders One via Okta.
The operations team have a limited number of Guest Swipe Cards that you may borrow/sign out for guest access. Please note these have very limited access and will need to be assigned on a temporary basis via visiting the Operations Staff by visiting the Deanery.
For all information on parking, please go to our Parking webpage. Also refer to the PFD FAQs page.
The same rules apply for staff and visitors University wide.
For short duration casual parking at Sturt, please use carpark 13 and use the Cell0Park Machine (located at the eastern end of the car park, outside Health2Go):
For all information on parking, please go to our Parking webpage. Also refer to the PFD FAQs page.
Guest Parking
The CNHS Operations Team process virtual guest permits on behalf of requesters for invited guests for hours or days at a time. The decision to provide and pay for guest and visitor parking remains at the discretion of local areas and expense authorisation and all required fields on the form below must be provided before NHS Ops can process the permit.
Step 1: Complete and submit the below form. Ensure that all fields are completed, as they are all required fields in the VPermit system. A separate form is required for each registration/person requiring guest parking. You are able to add multiple parking sessions for the same registration/person by adding additional lines .
Step 2: An electronic confirmation of the receipt of your request will be emailed to the Ops team to process and you will receive a confirmation that this has been recieved.
Step 3: The visitor parking permit will be emailed by NHS Operations to the email address provided on the request and copied to the requester. It is noted some requesters may prefer to list their own email for privacy/project purposes which is permitted. It is however noted this transfers the responsibility to the requester to provide the guest with the parking permit and rules about parking on campus, including the Parking Information detail below.
Staff are responsible for booking their own travel, through preferred providers.
Travel approval via Nutrip must be gained before any travel bookings or payments are made.
I am an employee and need an advance payment for travel or participant payments
· Submit a request via Service One: Employee advance.
I am an employee and need to reconcile (acquit) my advance payment for travel or participant payments
· Submit a request via Service One: Reconcile an advance. Noting that travel cash advances must be reconciled within 14 days of return.
The purchase of gifts cards, vouchers, certificates or gifts requires approval prior to purchase.
Please note the following points when submitting your approval request:
For an externally funded tied research grant, once the contract has been executed, Grants Finance Team will automatically create a new project and notify you. You don’t need to request.
For all other projects contact for advice.
Go to your Project Manager dashboard in TechOne.
For research grants you can view your project balances and transactions in the Grants Lifecycle Management Dashboard (GLM) accessed via Flinders Intelligence Portal (FLIP). If you do not have access to FLIP submit an access request.
If you are unable to determine the information you need using the tools above, please email for assistance.
The Grants Finance team is responsible for, and can assist with, the financial administration of all externally funded research grants, including:
Contact the Grants Finance team via email
Submit a request via Service One: A research project financial statement / acquittal.
The CNHS Finance team can assist you with your internally funded research grant enquiries.
I have an invoice that needs to be paid
University standard vendor payment terms is 30 days from date of invoice.
If the invoice date is older than 30 days, you can submit a Service One request Payment status of a supplier's invoice.
I need to apply for a University Corporate Credit Card
Refer to the Corporate Credit Card webpage to apply for a university Corporate Credit Card.
Apply for a card via Service One: Apply for a credit card.
Contact a member of the credit card support team via email
A link to the Lost Docket Form can be found on the Corporate Credit Card webpage
If you cannot find your question above, in the first instance please refer to the Flinders Finance and Procurement Services
If you still require assistance, please contact CNHS Finance team via
The College of Nursing & Health Sciences are committed to providing a range of training and development opportunities to encourage continuous growth and learning.
There are various means by which staff can be supported financially to participate in professional development:
Professional staff
Information on eligibility and how to apply can be found here.
Further information and resources on casual academic and professional engagement can be found here.
If you have any questions please contact
Further information and resources can be found here.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss your Recruitment plans, please contact You may also wish to review the Recruitment Policy and Recruitment Procedures.
More information is available here. If you have any questions please contact
Most leave is booked through the Workday system, but some leave types require different booking arrangements. Further information is provided on this page.
An Enterprise Agreement is an agreement made between an employer and its staff that sets out the terms and conditions of employment. Further details can be found on the Enterprise Agreement page. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact or
The manager can initiate a costing allocation change request through Service One. Click here for instructions.
This page provides information and resources for managers and employees regarding employment variations.
Flinders University treats the health and wellbeing of employees seriously and offers a range of assistance programs and counselling services. Individual staff members can refer themselves directly to one of the designated psychologists, for up to 3 sessions paid for by the University.
Click here for further information.
Further information can be found on this page. If you have any questions please contact
All professional and academic staff (excluding casuals) are required to undertake regular performance reviews.
The following tools and information has been developed to assist the supervisor and staff member to effectively establish performance goals, identify any career development goals, and to provide the information required to be able to easily navigate how to capture this process in Work Day.
The parenting room is located at Sturt West Level 2 - adjacent to the female toilets.
Access can be gained by emailing including your full name, staff ID/payroll number and the 27/28 number sequence on the bottom right of your ID card.
The prayer rooms are located at Sturt South Level 3 (S332 & S323). Access can be gained by calling Oasis on 8201 3530
For general eligibility criteria and other information on academic status, please refer to the Academic Status Policy.
Use the nomination form which is to be completed by the applicant and their academic supervisor or nominator.
Free fitness sessions are offered at Sturt Campus.
For more information and an up-to-date timetable please email
Refer to the Motor vehicle bookings page for information about booking a car.
The University commissions RICOH to manage all printer/photocopier/scanners (multi-function devices or MFDs) across all sites as of May 2022. Using your swipe card or FAN and password to release a document, you can print from any device in the University.
RICOH valets are onsite to monitor and provide toner, staples etc. Paper is replenished by the Caretakers regularly, and some is stored near each device. Place a Service One request for caretaker delivery if local paper stocks have run out.
For jams, please first attempt to fix the device yourself, following the instructions on the screen.
If there is an un-rectifiable fault, ring 08 820 12345 and follow the prompts to alert the technician.
For IT related problems, such as connecting to a printer, please contact IDS via the ‘IDS Support Portal’ short cut on your desktop, or phone 8201 2345 if the matter is urgent.
A gentle reminder to use Flinders Press for large print runs or high volume copying.
A new procedure is now available on Service One for ordering milk, basic tea/coffee supplies, supplies for events, hiring of equipment, ordering stationery and other consumables. The new online process is now live and allows all requests to be centrally collated, documented and managed.
Please place your orders through Service One. A set of step-by-step instructions are attached for your reference.
Please note that orders will be placed in response to requests received, with limited stock held in the Deanery for emergencies only.
You will be updated via Service One when your order is ready for collection.
The Sturt Campus Staffroom (Sturt North Level 0) is stocked with the following consumables for staff use:
· Moccona Classic instant coffee
· Twinings Afternoon tea bags
· Twinings Earl Grey tea bags
· Twinings English Breakfast tea bags
· Decaf tea bags
· Regular full fat long life milk
· Regular low fat long life milk
· Almond long life milk
· Soy long life milk
· Lactose Free long life milk
· Sugar
The Staffroom also provides microwaves, sandwich makers, a pod machine (BYO dolce variety) and fridges for staff to use.
Staff using other kitchens throughout Sturt Campus can email to request the above choices of milk as required. Please email milk orders by COB on Tuesdays for delivery the following week.
Please refer to Procurement Services for information on current procurement activity, preferred suppliers and contracts. .
Information about university certificates can be found here. Your secure FAN is required to access these documents.
Information about our brand, logo, style guides and templates can be found here. Your secure FAN is required to access these documents.
For general PFD information, please visit the PFD web page.
For information about PFD services, please refer to the PFD FAQs. This includes:
Note that for rooms at Sturt:
Caretakers' assistance
Maintenance assistance
Staff members inside FMC, must go through FMC Environmental Services for repairs or maintenance services.
Minor work request
Cleaning assistance
Ph: 08 8201 2733
M: 0434 564 175
Topic Coordinators (or a delegate) will need to submit a Service One request to People and Culture.
Further information regarding the process can be found here:
The Service One form can be found here
Casual academic staff payments are processed by the College Education and Resources Officers (EROs) via the CASP app.
You will need to complete the Casual Academic Employee – Request Form and email it to to request payment prior to the casual commencing work. A copy of this form can also be requested via this email.
More information about CASP can be found here:
Please log in at the following site to request a FAN:
You can update the teaching team via Student Two Web, if you have the required access or you can submit a request to
Please make sure that you include the FLO roles of the staff member as access cannot be granted without this.
Please send through your request to
Make sure that you include topic details and availability (if applicable). We will try to process your request as soon as possible.
Send your request to including the name of the staff member, topic and the semester details.
To check the schedule and room bookings for your topic go to the timetable Information page on the Flinders web site
You can find a list of students registered in your topic/class through Student Two Web.
Instructions on how to do this can be found at
Please email and the team will book you into an existing session or,where possible, conduct an individual session for you.
Please call 82013434 or email listing the equipment you wish to practise with or have training on.
The laboratories staff will organise a time when the equipment is available and /or they have time to spend with you.
Note that equipment cannot be removed from the laboratories.
For information postage, mail and courier services - and other PFD services, please refer to the PFD FAQs.
All mail (internal and external) received into the CNHS Sturt Campus can be collected from the pigeon holes in the Sturt North Staff Room, N002.
Parcels or larger items may be collected from the CNHS Deanery.
An email will be sent advising staff when packages or mail have arrived, and where to collect it from.
Incoming and outgoing mail both internal and external is actioned on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Refer to the University mail process.
If you are located at Sturt, deliver your internal or external mail to the mailbox outside the Caretakers room, N232, near the stairs, located at Sturt North level 2.
Field trips are any work, research, study or activity approved by a College/Portfolio that is undertaken by staff, students, volunteers and/or visitors, off campus at an urban, rural, remote, freshwater or marine location.
Field trips do NOT include:
In order to go on a field trip, you must submit a field trip proposal through Flinsafe and receive email notification that it has been approved prior to departure. The Flinsafe Field trip portal can be accessed via OKTA.
For general field trip information, including field trip guidelines, the approval process and what constitutes a field trip go to the WHS field trips page.
Field trip leaders must
A field trip leader is the person who has the authority to influence or direct the actions of students, staff members and volunteers involved in the field activity. This responsibility extends for the entire duration of the field trip including any free time.
If your query is of a general nature you could try visiting the Work Health and Safety pages of the website. Alternatively you could email the College WHS Officer at There are also a number of elected Health and Safety Representatives for the College. Please email and your representative will contact you.
WHS Induction information can be found in the WHS induction area of the website and the Supervisor induction area.
Please create an order using a Service One request. This will guide you through the process.
Details to obtain first aid at Sturt are listed on posters throughout the corridors at Sturt.
For other university areas, see first aid contacts and training schedule.
If there is no first aider, contact:
CFI Membership is available at the following levels:
If you or your team are a member of the Caring Futures Institute and your project was underway at or after 13 August 2019, then your project will be deemed a Caring Futures Institute project. If you are not sure, please email for clarification.
We’re always looking for Caring Futures Institute projects and stories to feature on our blog, and in our stakeholder e-newsletter. Fill in this form to let us know your news and what you’re working on. Alternatively contact
The CFI logo is available via the CFI Members Teams site or can be made available to you by emailing When making your request, please advise what you are using it for. In most cases you will need to use the Flinders and CFI logo lock up. There are strict regulations in regards to the use of the logo which will be provided to you in the brand styleguide along with the logo files.
Below is the approved copy you can use when referring to CFI in copy:
The Flinders University Caring Futures Institute is Australia’s first fully dedicated research organisation for the study of self-care and caring solutions, encompassing research into self-care, health and wellness, community involvement, care interventions, and health, ageing and social care systems and services. We work with leading care organisations, health professionals, community partners and consumers to pioneer outcome-driven research that makes a positive impact on people’s lives.
For further reference and attribution, please email for the brand guidelines document.
Yes. CFI now has its own LinkedIn account which you can find here. When you are using your own social media channels, if your news is relevant to CFI, please tag both @Flinders Caring Futures Institute and @Flinders University so that these accounts are alerted to repost your content. The official hashtag to use is #CaringFutures. We encourage all members to actively promote the work of CFI through their own social networks.
If you are running a workshop, have a visiting academic, or doing a public lecture, we have a ‘how to’ guide available. For access to this guide, please email
CFI has a number of document templates that can be used such as Word, PowerPoint, letterhead, event flyer, basic flyer/small report. If you would like to use any of these, they are available via the CFI Members Teams site or please email to request access.
CFI has a number of assets available to help you promote your membership. Available are:
If you would like to use any of these assets, please email
Approval is required for new technology purchases. Check with your manager first and then to order a new computer please refer to the hardware ordering instructions to help you with this process.
As part of the onboarding process of a 'New Position' the college operations team will be in contact with you to arrange requirements. If you have not yet received communication please email with the name of your new starter, their start date and the position they will be commencing in.
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South Australia 5042
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