Lunch & Learn sessions are an opportunity for staff from across the College to enjoy a short burst of learning over lunch – usually held for 60 mins via Teams. The topics have been developed based on feedback from the Your Voice Survey.
Please note, calendar invitations for each session will be sent via the CNHS P&C team. For further information or to enrol in a session, please contact
Date | Overview/Notes | |
Thursday 25 July (12:00pm - 1:00pm) | Casual Professional staff – engagement process | This session will provide an overview of the process required to engage a casual employee and manage timesheets. |
Monday 12 August (12:00pm - 1:00pm) | FWA Changes and Implications for Fixed-Term Contracts | This Supervisor session will run through recent legislative changes in respect of fixed-term contracts under the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022. The session will be hosted by Melissa Harvey, Associate Director, Workforce Strategy and Advisory (People & Culture) and aims to help you understand the changes and work through the implications for fixed-term contracts. |
Tuesday 17 September (10:00 - 11:00am) CNHS | Academic Performance Review | This session will provide a refresher on the APR process for staff and supervisors. We will share updates on the improvements to the process in Workday. |
Tuesday 10 September (12:00pm - 1:00pm) | Flinsafe Incidents and Hazard Reporting | This session will provide information on Flinsafe Incident and Hazard Reporting, Workplace Inspections and Corrective Actions. |
TBC | Professional funding support schemes & mentoring programs | This session will provide an overview of the professional development opportunities for Professional staff, including Mentoring Programs and Funding Support Schemes. |
TBC | Academic Workload Allocation | This session is designed for those staff who are interested to understand the tools used in establishing reasonable workload allocation in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. It will provide an introduction to sources of data, research, service and leadership and teaching allocations as well as demonstration of the spreadsheet and proposed online application will be presented. |
We have developed a range of Supervisor Training to support new and existing supervisors to perform their role and successfully lead their team.
New supervisors should also complete these compulsory online training courses:
We also recommend utilising the Manager and Supervisor Resources Page.
Please note, unless otherwise specified, calendar invitations for each session will be sent via the CNHS P&C team. For further information or to enrol in a session, please contact
Date | Session |
Session Overview/Notes |
Thursday 7 March 2024 |
HR essentials |
This session provides an overview on HR essentials for supervisors, including managing leave, service one and workday processes, as well as common FAQs regarding recruitment, probation, and flexibility. |
Thursday 11 July, (1:00am - 12:00pm), CNHS
Best practice onboarding & offboarding |
This session covers how supervisors can contribute to an effective onboarding and offboarding experience for their staff, including supporting staff to transition to retirement.
Friday 17 May |
Conversations about Performance
This session will provide supervisors and managers with tools to assist in building confidence when having conversations about performance with their team if and when required to do so. Topics will include Understanding Performance, having authentic conversations, coaching for performance and receiving performance feedback.
Available for enrolment via Ienrol |
Wednesday 25 September (9.30am - 12.30pm) |
Conversations about Performance |
This session will provide supervisors and managers with tools to assist in building confidence when having conversations about performance with their team if and when required to do so. Topics will include Understanding Performance, having authentic conversations, coaching for performance and receiving performance feedback.
Available for enrolment via Ienrol |
Wednesday 9 October (1:00pm - 2:30pm) |
Finance essentials & contracts (including non-research contracts) |
This session will provide an overview on Finance and Contract essentials, and cover information supervisors require on independent contractors, consultancy accounts, university credit cards and payment of contractors.
Wednesday 16 October (1:00pm - 2:00pm) |
Parental leave and supporting staff returning to work |
This session will provide an overview of our parental leave processes and how you can support staff before, during and after parental leave to provide a supportive return to work.
Monday 7 November |
Supporting staff injury management
This Supervisor session will provide information for supervisors to support injury management and return to work assistance for injuries both at work and outside work and will be run by Return to Work SA (RTWSA) and Karen Hayden, Return to Work Coordinator & Senior Work Health and Safety Advisor. |
Flame is a “training by experience” leadership program designed especially for the College of Nursing and Health Sciences to match the needs and preferences of our staff.
We are passionate about investing in our people and providing opportunities to foster and nurture leadership excellence across the College.
FLAME Programs are open to fixed term and continuing CNHS Academic and Professional staff.
The FLAME Programs run for 12 months and involve:
Expressions of interest have closed for our 2025 Bronze & Silver Programs.
An overview of training sessions is provided on the following pages. At the end of 2025, we will seek expressions of interest to participate in 2026 Programs.
Bronze Program: leadership for aspiring or emerging leaders
9 April | Higher education sector and Flinders University organisation structure |
6 May | Leading authentically: understanding your values alignment |
13 May | How a better understanding of self can positively influence the culture around us |
8 July | Developing strategies to constructively respond to conflict |
18 September | Unconscious bias and embracing diversity |
28 October | Investing in your own resilience |
Silver Program: leadership for people who lead people (i.e., staff with direct reports or service roles)
25 March | Strategic thinking & maximising external partnerships |
20 May | Leading with emotional intelligence |
5 June | How to effectively lead a high performing team |
3 July | Delivering feedback & supporting others' development |
10 September | Supporting teams through change |
23 October | Fostering resilient teams and cultures |
We also offer a Gold Program for senior leaders who lead large teams, multiple areas, institutes or centres.
This program will be co-designed to offer a tailored program to fit the needs of participants.
We recognise that mentoring is an important mechanism for career development and contributes to building a collegial and high-performing workforce.
The College has developed an Academic Mentoring Program to provide a career development opportunity for academic staff to broaden their knowledge, skills, capabilities, and experience.
Nominations for the 2024/25 CNHS Academic Mentoring Program will open in April.
Key Dates
Benefits for mentees
Benefits for mentors
Professional Staff Mentoring Program
There are also opportunities for Professional staff to be involved in the University-wide Professional Mentoring Program. Learn more about the Professional Mentoring Program.
The College People and Infrastructure Committee support the development and implementation of a Nursing and Health Sciences Reconciliation Action Plan but also recognise that our academic and professional staff require ongoing development to fulfil our commitment to Indigenous cultural safety in all that we do.
In 2023, The College committed to the development of a new framework for ongoing and expanded workforce capability and training amongst our staff. The framework outlines the learning and development we are currently offering or intend to explore as foundational or bespoke opportunities for Education; Research, Practice and Professional Services.
The foundational learning and development opportunities commence when a new staff member enters the University. In partnership with Your Mob Learning, the induction of new staff members requires the completion of Indigenous Cultural Awareness online training. This foundational program is mandatory, and the College will be monitoring completions while also strongly encouraging existing staff to complete if they have not yet done so. For existing staff who have completed the Indigenous Cultural Awareness Foundations program offered by Your Mob Learning, the College will be strongly encouraging staff to complete the Refresher program and also the Comprehensive program also available via the same link. All of these resources are offered free to Flinders University employees via iEnrol and the College will continue to raise awareness of these opportunities. To supplement these foundational learning and development opportunities, the College of Nursing and Health Sciences will be offering other opportunities of relevance to all staff, regardless of position type.
While the above opportunities have relevance for all staff, regardless of position type, Nursing and Health Sciences are committed to provide additional opportunities that respond to specific needs of staff working in any one or more of the following: Education, Research, Practice, Professional Services.
The bespoke EDUCATION learning and development opportunities will build upon the central collection of resources available that has been designed to inspire and motivate staff to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural content in their teaching. While the University Learning and Teaching Academy will centrally provide some additional relevant resources our own Learning and Teaching Academy chapter, through the Indigenous Aspects of Education Community of Practice, will provide opportunities that respond to the specific needs of staff in Nursing and Health Sciences.
More information coming soon on bespoke research, practice and professional services learning and development opportunities.
University-wide information on Academic Promotions can be found here.
Further to the information session facilitated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, CNHS will also provide additional training and support for Academic staff considering applying for promotion and their supervisors.
Please register your interest in the CNHS Academic Promotions Sessions via the link below.
Information and resources shared at the sessions will be posted to the Professional Development webpage:
Thursday 10 April 2025 1:00pm – 2:00pm |
Session: Are you ready for Academic Promotion? - Resources: Academic Level B Template - Resources: Academic Level C Template - Resources: Academic Level D Template - Resources: Academic Level E Template - Registration Link:
Monday, 26 May 2025 10:00am – 11:30 am |
Session: Academic Promotions Seminar (Teaching & Research, and Research Only) - Registration Link - |
Tuesday, 27 May 2025 2:00pm – 3:30pm |
Session: Academic Promotions Seminar (Teaching Specialists) - Registration Link – |
Thursday, 19 June 2025 12:30pm – 2:00pm |
Session: Academic Promotion: Writing Workshop - Registration Link - |
The College of Nursing and Health Sciences acknowledges the importance of all staff participating in regular professional development which provides an opportunity for extending knowledge and skills of relevance to their role. There are various means by which staff can be supported financially to participate in professional development.
Professional staff
Information on eligibility and how to apply can be found here.
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