Explore the Service One application from your OKTA dashboard. It provides a single pathway for staff to request a service in one place. There are over 80 services available in Service One and this is rapidly expanding. There is also an extensive library of knowledge articles on many topics, to assist self-service.
Browse through these College FAQs, personalised to our College’s needs with responses to common enquiries.
If the service you need is not available on Service One, and/or your question is not answered in the FAQ's, please use these email contacts to seek an answer:
Contract matters: |
Finance matters: |
FLO matters: |
Marketing matters: |
Operational matters: |
Research matters: |
Teaching and student matters: |
Our College contacts page is also a useful reference and provides key contacts and their responsibilities.
Responses are usually within 1-2 hours. We try to provide a response to all enquiries within 24 hours. If it is an issue or query that another team should be supporting, we will forward the enquiry to that team and copy you in. If your enquiry is urgent, please phone the College office on 8201 7900 option 2).
We have a dedicated Contract Officer in the College. You can request this service via ServiceOne.
Further information is also available on the Contracts Management page.
New email distribution lists have been created across the University. These distribution lists will allow you to communicate with all College staff (including those who service a college but are employed in central divisions) and academics in a given Teaching Program or Research Section.
These distribution lists are moderated by senior college staff. Moderation is a process by which emails are checked and approved before they are forwarded. This is done to ensure staff and student email contacts are appropriate and within reasonable volume limits.
Contact chass.operations@flinders.edu.au if you would like further assistance to use the distribution lists, or need to contact a group that is not covered by a list.
Marketing oversees our websites and edits can be requested via ServiceOne or from the college marketing business partner.
Contact chass.operations@flinders.edu.au so we can investigate and remedy where possible.
We welcome your feedback. Please contact the Director of College Services, Michelle Gander (michelle.gander@flinders.edu.au) or the Executive Officer, Julianne Rice (julianne.rice@flinders.edu.au).
Please email chass.operations@flinders.edu.au and we will ensure your information reaches the right person. Information on upcoming programs or events may be shared via the College newsletter via e-mail to chass.vped@flinders.edu.au, in which case we may contact you for more details.
Mail is delivered daily to the Humanities. If you require a pigeonhole in HUMNS 253, SSN 3112 or SSS 285 please email chass.operations@flinders.edu.au
For any hardware requests, please lodge a request via ServiceOne. This will be actioned directly by IDS.
Business cards can be ordered directly from Flinders Press by completing the online form in the print portal. Please ensure you have your account code ready (ie. GL-Cost Centre- Project-Natural Account : xx.xxx.xxxx.xxxx). You will also need your FAN and password.
For all information on parking, please go to our Parking webpage. Also refer to the PFD FAQs page.
We recommend the fix it yourself process for efficiency. You can follow the instructions on the screen for a paper jam. Book a time with the College Support team via chass.operations@flinders.edu.au if you would like to become more familiar with the machines and basic troubleshooting.
If you need further assistance resolving the problem, please send an email to chass.operations@flinders.edu.au noting the issue, the machine id number and the machine brand and serial number to enable to the team to organise a service call if necessary. The team will endeavour to resolve machine issues as quickly as possible and there are a number of alternative machines available to staff to use.
To add an alternative printer, go to the IDS support portal app on your desktop or via your start menu and choose the option ‘add a printer’. You will need the printer name (ie.HUMS12). Follow the instructions to add a printer.
Email chass.finance@flinders.edu.au who will be able to advise you of the current balance in your account.
Submit a request in Service One: Expense Reimbursement
Ensure the invoice is made out to Flinders University. Email the tax invoice to chass.finance@flinders.edu.au along with an account number to debit and approval to pay the invoice.
To find out the payment status of your invoice, submit a request in Service One: Payment status of a supplier's invoice.
Visit the corporate credit cards webpage or email creditcards@flinders.edu.au with your query.
For questions about FlexiPurchase, visit the FlexiPurchase webpage or email creditcards@flinders.edu.au.
Download the Application Form, NAB form and Certificate of Identity forms here. For further information on University corporate credit cards, visit the corporate credit cards webpage.
Submit a request in Service One: Credit card cash withdrawal.
Visit the travel policy and travel webpages.
You can submit a travel query in Service One: Travel query.
Submit a request in Service One: Request a customer invoice.
Enquire about an invoice raised by the University and/or check an incoming payment status in Service One: Revenue query.
Submit a request in Service One: Advance payment.
Submit a request in Service One: Reconcile an advance.
The purchase of gifts, gift cards, or vouchers requires approval prior to purchase.
Submit a request in Service One: Request for gift cards, certificates, vouchers and gifts.
The points below may assist you with further queries:
For an externally funded tied research grant, the Grants Finance Team will automatically create a new project and notify you once the contract has been executed. You don’t need to submit a request.
For all other projects contact chass.finance@flinders.edu.au for advice.
Check Service One: Research Services for query request forms that may useful.
Contact grants.finance@flinders.edu.au for any other queries.
Contact chass.finance@flinders.edu.au with your questions.
Contact chass.finance@flinders.edu.au with your questions.
Everyday stationery items are located in the College utility rooms.
Humanities Building |
HUMS 271 and 210 |
Social Sciences North |
SSN 3112 |
Social Sciences South |
SSS 385 |
Stock can be replenished from HUMS271 or by emailing chass.operations@flinders.edu.au
Gain approval from the appropriate person if required, and ensure you have the funds available in your account/your supervisor accounts
Send an email to chass.operations@flinders.edu.au, giving precise details
NOTE: It is your responsibility to ensure you place your request with sufficient lead time to meet your requirements.
An alternative is to purchase the item using your corporate credit-card, or purchase personally and apply for reimbursement. Once a request for reimbursement is approved by a Supervisor, it will automatically be sent to the University’s finance system and paid within 2 weeks to your bank account.
For further information please visit the employee expense reimbursement webpage.
For general PFD information, please visit the PFD web page.
For information about PFD services, please refer to the PFD FAQs. This includes:
The College Support Team can assist with room bookings for restricted rooms. Please email HASSenquiries@flinders.edu.au for assistance with your room booking questions.
Additionally, a number of meeting/consultation rooms can be booked through Outlook calendar by double clicking on the required date and time, clicking on ‘scheduling assistant’, then on ‘add rooms’ and selecting the room you wish to use. This will be sent to the College Support Team to approve. The available rooms are:
Staff in Social Sciences South may be able to access U_SSS_202_Meeting Room (capacity 16) and U_SSS_260_Meeting Room (capacity: 8). Booking is through Outlook calendar as per above, however approval comes from BGL. For queries about these rooms, please contact BGLenquiries@flinders.edu.au.
For instructions on how to generate a class list please email HASSenquiries@flinders.edu.au. If you do not have access to Student Two Production, please advise HASS Enquiries of this at the same time so that this can be arranged for you.
Send an email to HASSenquiries@flinders.edu.au with the relevant details.
Send an email to chass.elearning@flinders.edu with details of the topic and the students/staff who require access.
Email your enquiry to HASSenquiries@flinders.edu.au. If they are not able to resolve your issue, they will forward your enquiry to the relevant area.
HDR student enrolments and progress are administered by the Office of Graduate Research (OGR) and can be contacted at gradresearch@flinders.edu.au HDR student office allocations are arranged by the College Support Team who can be contacted via chass.operations@flinders.edu.au. For assistance with any other resources, including laptop/desktop, please email chass.operations@flinders.edu.au
Staff should be familiar with University policy before contacting chass.operations@flinders.edu.au for detailed instructions on nominating someone to receive academic status.
Staff should be familiar with University policy before contacting chass.operations@flinders.edu.au for detailed instructions on nominating someone to receive academic status.
Please contact chass.operations@flinders.edu.au and request an events form.The College Support Team can assist with completing this form and planning your event.
In general, HASS events are supported by the College Support Team however some events, such as industry showcases and the College’s annual Prizes and Awards Ceremony, are coordinated directly by Marketing and Student Recruitment with help from the College.
Please email chass.marcomms@flinders.edu.au noting dates required, and the name of the event.
Visit the Univeristy’s Travel webpage for details of how to organise travel for yourself or a visiting scholar.
You can also lodge a travel query via Service One.
Approval is required for new technology from the Director of College Services. To order a new computer please refer to the computer order instructions to help you navigate this process.
In order to go on a field trip, you must submit a field trip proposal through Flinsafe and receive email notification that it has been approved prior to departure. The Flinsafe Field trip portal can be accessed via OKTA.
Please download and read the CHASS College’s Workflow information with significant information about FlinSafe software which will make you aware of things that may stop the saving and approval process.
For general field trip information, including field trip guidelines, the approval process and what constitutes a field trip go to the WHS field trips page. If you have not done a field trip application before contact your supervisor or a senior WHS officer about the FlinSafe software.
Approval Process
View the Field Trip participant safety acknowledgement form.
First Aid
SPOT devices
View the Spot tracker input form.
View and download the Spot tracker user guide.
View the user guide video on the Spot tracker.
Download the HASS college's field trip workflow key points below.
Staff members only
If you are new to the University, refer to the getting started page for inductions and workshops for new staff.
All new College members, including staff, students & visitors
You must complete a local induction with your supervisor, using the Work Health and Safety induction checklist form.
Completed forms should be kept by the supervisor and laboratories should store a hard copy in their folders.
The University has the following policy on the use of hazardous chemicals.
All hazardous chemicals used at the University must have been risk assessed and a safety data sheet must be available. Some chemicals used may have specific licencing &/or monitoring requirements, such as regulation 25 poisons or restricted and prohibited carcinogens.
For further information regarding this please visit our page on hazardous chemicals safety.
If you are working with hazardous chemicals, you should complete the online hazardous chemical training course.
The University subscribes to Chemwatch for management of chemicals. Chemwatch provides general access for all users to access Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).
All users can gain access to the Chemwatch database using this button:
Lab Safety Supervisors can use their specific log in via the Chemwatch (login access) button to update their lab manifests:
Anyone requiring log-in access to manage their register should contact cse.whs@flinders.edu.au
In an emergency situation where computers cannot be accessed, Chemwatch can be called on 1800 039 008 to provide information on what is contained in a Safety Data Sheet.
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