As a supervisor or manager, you are responsible for the effective functioning and resourcing of your work area, ensuring that your staff have the skills and knowledge required to perform their tasks at an optimal level.
This process will help you identify any missing skills, knowledge or attributes, as well as determine ways to develop them. It is best completed in partnership with your staff member.
You can use the Training Needs Analysis (TNA) template to assist you with this process. Each step in the process is associated with a different column, and two examples have been included in the template to act as a guide.
Discuss with the staff member the existing resources that describe the job such as the current position description, the Position Classification Descriptors, the outcome of the most recent Performance Review and Development discussion, and other position descriptions (if related to career development). These resources will provide information about the associated skills, knowledge and attributes required.
Add these items to the first column of the TNA template.
Position responsibilities and associated capabilities provide an overarching view of a position. To get a better sense of the development required, consider the different tasks involved and deconstructing these into the skills, knowledge and attributes required to perform these tasks. Breaking the skills down to more manageable size blocks enables identification of more meaningful solutions.
The first two steps of this process involve detailed consideration and can take some time. However, it is worthwhile taking care with this step to ensure the Development Needs Analysis covers all role requirements.
List these items in the second column of the TNA template.
Together with the staff member, identify the skills and knowledge the person currently has. This information can be sourced in four main ways:
By comparing column 2 with column 3, identify any gaps in the required skills, knowledge or attributes. It is also recommended that you ask the staff member which areas they consider need addressing. This way, you can identify tasks that you may have missed or refine tasks so the development can be more effective.
Also consider the reason for the gap as training may not be the best or only solution. For example, if a staff member is having difficulties with transferring calls, perhaps a quick reference note at their desk would assist them to recall the different technical steps.
This involves determining the best way of closing the skills/knowledge gaps that you identified in the previous step. Consider whether it would be beneficial to combine multiple options and opportunities to practice the skill.
Options might include:
Include the date by which the development activity should be completed by to ensure you are both clear on the priorities and timeline required.
Once the training has been completed, it is important to consider whether or not the key responsibilities can now be completed competently. This can be achieved by:
If a performance gap still exists, review the reasons for it and determine whether the training solution selected was correct for the identified problem or whether there is another performance issue that needs addressing. The Organisational Development and Diversity team may be able to help you further with this process.
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