Asbestos Safety Management
The University has a policy on the identification and management of asbestos and asbestos containing material (ACM).
The Asbestos Safety Management Policy
Asbestos Management Plan
Work with or removal of asbestos
Flinders University has a comprehensive register of all identified asbestos and ACM in the University buildings. This register is used to identify possible locations of asbestos and ACM.
The University’s Asbestos Register is available to anyone on request. Please contact our customer service team during business hours to obtain a copy. Please note, requests are actioned Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm.
Before a Flinders University Asbestos Permit is authorised, copies of the following documents are required on site:
- Copy of the Sample Analysis Test Results
- The removalist’s licence to remove asbestos
- The removalist’s current insurance cover for asbestos removal
- The current training records for staff undertaking the removal work
- The asbestos removal notification from SafeWork SA
- Proposed air monitoring program if required
- The Safe Work Procedures for the proposed work
- A site specific Safe Work Method Statement/JSA, which must be read & signed by all staff undertaking the removal work.
- Asbestos Removal Control Plan
Further Information
Customer Service
Telephone: 08 8201 2733
Security (after hours)
Telephone: 08 8201 2880