Members of the professional staff who wish to undertake part-time study to improve their qualifications for their present or expected future position in the University may apply for:
The University will not reimburse tuition fees, late fees, graduation expenses, book or note fees or FEE-HELP costs under the Study Assistance Scheme. Staff may be eligible to seek financial assistance through the Professional Staff Development Fund or the Professional Staff Conference Scheme.
The Study Assistance Form must be sent to
Applications must be approved each year before the study is undertaken.
Application for time off and Statutory Services Fee reimbursement must be supported in advance by the staff member's supervisor and the relevant *Senior Officer. Applications for fee reimbursement must be approved in advance by the Director, People and Culture. No applications for fee reimbursement will be approved retrospectively.
Leave of absence with pay may be granted by the Senior Officer for an approved course of study in accordance with the following conditions:
The Senior Officer may at their discretion grant further leave of absence without pay for the above purposes.
Any leave granted for the purposes of study assistance shall be subject to:
Leave with pay under these guidelines shall not be granted in respect of any subject being repeated.
Time off for lectures, practical work and travelling shall be calculated on a weekly basis.
*Senior Officer
For the purposes of these guidelines, 'Senior Officer' means the head of College or Division, University Librarian, etc, as appropriate for members of staff in their College or section of the University
Professional staff members shall be eligible for a refund of Statutory Services Fees paid in respect of completed subjects of an approved course, subject to provision of:
Reimbursement is sought via Service One. Instructions will be provided to staff when applications are received and confirmed as approved.
To qualify for a refund of fees, a person must be a professional member of staff of the University at the time the subject results are published.
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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