Flinders University is committed to the individual development of professional staff and providing opportunities for continued growth, learning and career development.
To facilitate professional staff development, the University has committed to provide $350,000 per annum over the life of the Enterprise Agreement 2023 to 2026 to support professional staff to actively pursue their professional and career development as an integrated element of their employment with the University.
The fund has two components:
The Professional Staff Development Fund ('the Fund') is open to all professional staff employed under the 2023 - 2026 Flinders University Enterprise Agreement on a continuing or fixed term basis with six (6) months or more continuous service (not including casual service).
Staff can apply twice over a two-year period up to the value of $4,000 per applicant, with one development activity per application.
The Fund will pay the approved cost amount less any GST.
Before considering an application to the Fund to attend an externally offered course, professional staff should review the full range of in-house professional development activities and other funding options offered by the University, to determine the best option for their development, including:
The fund is designed for individual professional development. Where a training need for a group of staff exists, it is not intended that the Fund will replace or supplement expenses associated with professional development activities and courses where this cost is to be met by the local area.
The University will provide access to the fund on the following criteria:
Applications must be received at least 5 business days BEFORE the professional development activity (or related travel) occurs and no funding will be approved retrospectively.
The fund will operate on a first come first served basis, and should all funding become committed, applications will be accepted on a waitlist and considered in the order they were received should additional funds become available.
Applications to attend courses that duplicate the University's in-house professional development activities will not be eligible for funding assistance, except where the in-house activity is full or otherwise not available.
Approval for the development activity and, where appropriate, time release and/or financial contributions must be granted by the staff member's supervisor and the appropriate manager. The approving manager should be at least one level removed from the supervisor.
All applications are to be completed, invoiced and finalised within the same calendar year. For development relating to study across multiple years, separate applications will be required for each year of study.
There are three options for charging the approved Professional Development expenses:
Full instructions for payment will be provided with approval documentation together with a payment schedule of accounts for charging. Please note all payments are ex-GST.
Special discounts for staff are available for the redesigned Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses, as well as the Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma of Business Administration.
Flinders University staff can apply for a 30% course discount for our MBA courses. This can be applied in conjunction with support from the Professional Staff Development Fund, subject to the normal eligibility criteria.
Requirements are that staff must meet the entry requirements for the course. All professional and academic staff employed by the university regardless of mode of employment are eligible, noting that the discount may be subject to FBT if there is not sufficient connection between the employee’s current role and the MBA program.
Flinders University staff can apply for a 30% course discount* for selected Flinders Online courses. This can be applied in conjunction with support from the Professional Staff Development Fund, subject to the normal eligibility criteria. The discount will apply to the student contribution fee for the chosen course.
Flinders Online offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, diplomas and certificates in fields such as education, health, business, law and IT.
The account numbers and payment options available will be shared as part of the approval email received from professional.development@flinders.edu.au. For any additional funding required, please speak with your manager or local Finance Officer or College / Portfolio / Division Office. Y
You can find a list of Natural Accounts.
Professional staff members should apply for assistance as early as possible as the Fund operates on a first come, first served basis, until the Fund has been fully allocated. Applications made after the funding has been fully allocated may be resubmitted at the beginning of the following calendar year.
If your application has been approved, funds up to the approved amount are available for payment.
Invoices are to be made out to Flinders University, not the staff member. Details for the invoice are:
Please contact professional.development@flinders.edu.au if this happens, so we can make a note of it and work with you individually to come to a solution or offer alternatives. It is important to inform us if your activity does not go ahead, as support from the fund is limited to one successful application per staff member, every two years.
This may happen if you miss out on the conference early-bird rate or there are unanticipated charges on your conference invoice. If the total of the expenses add up to more than the total you were approved for, payment from the Fund will be made up to the amount for which you were originally approved. You will need to seek funding elsewhere to cover the shortfall.
Expense payment will reflect the amount actually charged, which should show on your invoice, credit card statement or reimbursement documentation. The Professional Staff Development Fund will pay the cost amount less any GST.
Please note that incidental costs are not covered through the Fund, as detailed in the guidelines above, you will need to seek funding from your area or other sources to cover these. Please refer to your funding letter for your approved total.
The professional staff member is responsible for submitting a brief evaluation of the activity and confirmation of attendance to their Supervisor within three months of completing the activity. You do not need to send your report to us.
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South Australia 5042
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