Flinders University uses Workday, a global HR system to manage key HR processes and data.
Workday provides employees access to human resource information and can be used to view, amend and add to information quickly and easily.
This depends on your query. If you need support or help using Workday, you can find self-service resources on the Workday support page or reach out to your local People and Culture team. People and Culture contact information can be found here.
Alternatively, you can submit a query to the MyWorklife program team using the Workday support query request via Service One.
All staff will have access to Workday. This includes all casual, continuing, and fixed-term staff and our affiliates such as emeritus professors, academic status holders, visiting scholars or researchers, or volunteers.
If you have any challenges accessing Workday, please contact the IDS Service Desk.
Once a worker has been entered on Workday, details are sent automatically to the Identity Vault which generates a FAN within 24 hours.
The new employee or affiliate will then receive an email with details on how to activate their FAN.
Affiliate is a person who does not hold any position at the University (either as an employee or contingent worker) but has an unpaid relationship with the University that needs to be recorded in Workday (academic affiliates only exist in the context of academic appointments, and are not paid or do not have positions or assignments in the supervisory organisation).
Affiliation is a Flinders term, and not the same as the Workday concept of an academic affiliate. An affiliation describes the working relationship of a worker with a business unit or operating model unit, regardless of the business unit that holds the budget for that worker. In Workday, this affiliation is recorded as an academic appointment.
All affiliates will be in Workday from now on. The management of affiliates, (which includes the process of awarding or granting affiliate status or arrangements for other affiliates such as volunteers), will still be expected to be managed by the respective Colleges or Portfolios, but the data will be entered into Workday, and therefore provide better visibility and reporting.
College or service affiliations do not show in the organisation chart in Workday. The organisation chart will only show staff who occupy positions (and in time, will also show contingent workers such as external contractors).
However, College or service affiliations are displayed in Workday using an ‘Academic Appointment’ to record the affiliation. This can be viewed on a person’s profile in Workday (under the Academic tab) or via a report.
Yes, leave requests can be edited to select the exact amount of leave you are booking per day.
No. Flexitime arrangements will continue to be managed locally between staff and their supervisors.
In move to Workday on 9 June, there are some transitional arrangements with the display of Long Service Leave balances in Ascender. As Long Service Leave accrues on a monthly basis in Ascender Pay (on the 1st of every month), there will be an initial delay in your balance being updated from Ascender Pay to Workday during the June / July transition to Workday. The Long Service Leave balance (where applicable) will update as of 1 July.
Of course, in accordance with Clause 32 of the Enterprise Agreement 2023 to 2026, Long Service Leave can only be taken by eligible staff at 7 years' entitlement and paid at half pay or as single days.
Yes. A supervisor can delegate some or all their approval actions for a specified time in Workday. For example, a supervisor could delegate all actions to a colleague while on leave or choose to only delegate leave request approvals while on leave.
A supervisor can delegate approvals to a direct report, a colleague at the same level, or to their supervisor.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring delegations are set in Workday during any period of leave, to ensure transactions are not missed or left unchecked or unapproved.
Guidance for how to set up delegation can be found in the delegation user guide.
Requests for any type of report that includes HR data, can be made via Service One.
Yes, but only some.
ESS will remain in use for a small number of processes such as payslips for scholarship holders and for Casual Academics in Portfolios, to submit their timesheets for approval.
CASP manages work schedules for Casual Academics. Further information about CASP is available at Casual Academic Scheduling and Payments Support.
Note, CASP replaces FlindersPro for managing Casual Academic work.
To initiate engagement of a new casual professional, you will need to submit a Service One request.
New casual professionals can only be engaged if they have applied to the relevant Casual Employment Register. To obtain applicant details, please contact P&C Recruitment at recruitment@flinders.edu.au.
Casual professional timesheets need to be entered into Workday.
Service One is used to initiate and submit the following People and Culture Services
Application for reclassification can be made as prescribed in the Flinders University Enterprise Agreement. The Professional Staff Classification Descriptors are described in Schedule 10 of the Enterprise Agreement.
Where there has been a significant increase in the work value of a position due to a substantial change in responsibilities as required by the supervisor, a staff member or supervisor may request a reclassification of a staff member’s position.
A completed application form must be attached to the Service One request available under the People & Culture Services in Service One, for assessment.
The Workday mobile app can be downloaded from both the App Store for iPhones and Google Play for Android devices.
Once installed, you will be prompted to enter the Organisation ID by scanning a QR code with your phone. This can be found in the desktop version of Workday under the My Account > Organisation ID.
Once the Organisation ID has been entered or scanned, you will be prompted to log in to your account with your FAN credentials.
Payment summaries and payslips issued before the introduction of Workday can be requested via Service One.
Eligible staff may request claims for overtime via Workday. These will be reviewed by relevant supervisors for approval. Overtime is provided for staff eligible in accordance with the University’s Enterprise Agreement.
Yes. When an action is required, a message will be sent to your Workday inbox and by default into your Flinders email inbox.
Note: Please be aware that inbox notices are only for action/tasks that come to your Workday inbox, and not for general FYI notification that are shown in the notifications section. If you need to review a task and take action to review and approve/decline something, you can have this sent to your Flinders email inbox. A notification is an ‘For Your Information’ (FYI) notification (e.g. - 'your leave is approved') and does not require any action, Workday cannot be configured to send this to your Flinders email inbox.
Yes, Workday does align with the University’s Equity and Diversity Strategy and provides for staff to select their preferred prefix and the gender they identify with. As per the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy, staff can choose from a range of salutations, including Mx and specific non-binary or other gender identity.
This is correct. Your default Workday profile picture will be the same as your staff ID card and can be changed.
The profile picture must show your face and cannot be a cartoon picture, or avatar, or picture of a pet. Changes to your profile picture need to be approved by your supervisor through Workday.
When you are a newly onboarded staff member, Flinders Connect will have taken a photograph for your ID card, but it will not be uploaded into Workday. You will need to upload a picture using the Change your Profile Picture guide.
The profile picture must show your face and cannot be a cartoon picture, or avatar, or picture of a pet. Changes to your profile picture need to be approved by your supervisor through Workday.
No. As part of the introduction of Workday, we are pleased to advise that identity, qualification or other license or ID information will no longer need to be physically sighted.
Staff may upload a pdf copy of Certified Copies of Original Documents for the relevant documentation and this will be accepted at the University. Any queries in relation to this can be forwarded to your People & Culture team.
Yes. You can view the end-to-end business process in Workday by clicking on ‘Details and Process’ within the business process you are performing.
If you believe information that relates to your position or the organisation chart is incorrect, submit a Workday support query request via Service One.
If you believe that your supervisor is showing incorrectly, you can ask your supervisor to directly make this change in Workday.
Initially, Workday will show only current staff information, and over time, as personal staff records change, historical information will become viewable.
However, historical records such as previous positions held by staff before Workday is released, will not be viewable in Workday. To access these records, please contact your People and Culture team.
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays
After hours or when all staff are busy you will be given an option to leave a voicemail message. Voicemails will be accessed as soon as practical during business hours otherwise you may choose to log an IT support request.
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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