All academic staff, new to Flinders University, are required to participate in specific orientation and induction programs as stipulated in the University's Enterprise Agreement.
The mandatory training programs for academic staff are:
and one or both of the following programs, which may need to be completed where an academic staff member will be supervising higher degree by research (HDR) students and/or involved in Work Integrated learning as part of their appointment:
Evidence of completion of the mandatory training programs (or, where appropriate, formal exemption) is a condition of confirmation of employment.
Exemptions from all or part of any of the above programs may be granted where the staff member has recent relevant experience and/or training (refer section 2. below).
Failure to either complete or be granted exemption from mandatory training program(s) will be grounds for extension of the probationary period.
1.1 Continuing and convertible academic staff members
Are required to participate in and complete UTEF and the other program(s) as appropriate, normally within the first year of employment.
Evidence of completion or exemption from the relevant officer, i.e. Pro Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation), Learning and Teaching Services or the Dean of Graduate Research, must be included with Form D – the documentation that is to be completed during the probationary period in order to apply for confirmation of employment.
1.2 Academic staff on fixed-term appointments greater than 12 months
Are required to participate in and complete UTEF and the other program(s) as appropriate, normally within the probationary period.
Staff members should contact the Learning and Teaching Services, who can help determine the training required.
Staff members will be required to provide to their supervisors, evidence of completion/participation in the relevant program(s) from the relevant officer for purposes of confirmation of employment at the end of the probationary period.
1.3 Academic staff on fixed-term appointments up to and including 12 months
Completion of UTEF and other relevant mandatory program(s) within the term of the appointment is a requirement of employment. Staff should contact Learning and Teaching Services, who can help determine the training required.
2.1 Establishing the training required and a training plan
The staff member should contact the Learning and Teaching Services team within 4 weeks of commencing employment so that appropriate training requirements can be determined and a training plan can be established.
2.2 Completions
Completions will be recorded by Learning and Teaching Services or the Office of Graduate Research (OGR) as appropriate. However, it is the responsibility of the staff member and their supervisor to ensure that the necessary evidence of completion(s) (or exemption(s)) is provided as indicated in section 1 and 2.3.
2.3 Exemptions
It may be appropriate in special circumstances to exempt a staff member from all (or part) of a mandatory training program, in recognition of significant experience or recent equivalent training.
While the onus is on the staff member to provide the case for full/part exemption, it is up to the supervisor to determine whether an exemption should be sought. Where the supervisor so determines, the case for exemption, accompanied by confirmation from the supervisor that the exemption is supported, should be submitted as follows:
2.3.1 Exemption from UTEF
The Pro Vice Chancellor (Learning & Teaching Innovation) will consider a case for exemption on the information provided. If needed, the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) will have final authority for determining exemptions.
The criteria for exemption are:
Full exemption – may be applicable where a staff member has completed a similar foundations in teaching program from another university or is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is able to provide evidence of completion.
Part exemption – a staff member may receive part exemption if s/he submits a portfolio demonstrating teaching competence based on:
2.3.2 Recognition of prior HDR Supervisor training
Requests for recognition of prior HDR Supervisor training will be considered on a case- by-case basis and the applicant needs to provide evidence in Inspire. There are no exemptions from this program as it is specific to Flinders systems, policies and processes related to higher degrees by research and accords with The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018* requirements.
*It is responsibility 5: R5 Ensure supervisors of research trainees have the appropriate skills, qualifications and resources.
2.3.3 Exemption from the Managing Work-Integrated Learning Workshop (WIL) Program
Requests for exemptions should be forwarded to Learning and Teaching Services for consideration and determination. The staff member and supervisor will be advised in writing of the exemption, if any, to be granted.
3.1 Flinders Research FastStartTM
In addition to the above mandatory induction programs, all new academic and research staff are expected to attend Flinders Research FastStartTM conducted by Research Development and Support (RDS).
This researcher induction program provides an insight into the structure, functions and research support provided by Divisions and Portfolios across Flinders University, and orientation of Flinders’ online systems and platforms that facilitate research. Enrol on the research development web page.
There are no exemptions from this program as it is specific to Flinders systems, policies and processes related to research and accords with The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 requirements.
3.2 Other training requirements
Such as supervisor, and Work Health and Safety training etc., as referred to in the contract of employment – are outside the scope of these guidelines. However, where other training requirements have been specified, staff and their supervisors should discuss and include these in the training plan referred to in section 2.1.
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South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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