The Office of Graduate Research maintains a Register of HDR Supervisors to ensure compliance with national standards and to provide students with the best supervisor matches possible.
Please review the HDR Supervisor Policy and HDR Supervisor Procedures for the requirements for the Register and composition of supervisory teams.
The Register of HDR Supervisors is available via Inspire for individual HDR Supervisors and researchers to view their own record. Approved staff members in the Office of Graduate Research and Colleges can view via FAN and password for administrative purposes. If you require assistance in using the Register please refer to the Quick Reference Guides on the Inspire web page. If you are aware of any changes that may alter the status of a supervisor or if you can provide information that will enhance the effectiveness of the Register, please contact the HDR Development Team in the Office of Graduate Research.
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The Register of HDR Supervisors available via Inspire allows potential or current HDR Supervisors to:
HDR supervision is a highly regulated area and there are numerous requirements for HDR supervisor by the following national bodies:
All of these have informed the requirements of the HDR Policy, HDR Supervisor Policy with respect to the HDR supervision at Flinders University.
Rationale for research active supervisors
The Flinders University HDR Policy, HDR Supervisor Policy and higher education sector requirements set out conditions for HDR supervisors. These include the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018, Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) Graduate Research Good Practice Principles and ACGR Good Practice Guidelines for Quality Graduate Research. Department of Education and Training Research Training Implementation Plan, August 2017.
Principal supervisors have primary supervisory responsibility for the candidature and for maintaining effective communication with the student and with other supervisors in the supervisory team. Refer also to section 3 of the HDR Supervisor Policy.
Associate supervisors provide additional supervisory support for the student and additional expertise to the supervisory team. Refer also to section 3 of the HDR Supervisor Policy.
Associate supervisors may be required to temporarily assume primary supervisory responsibility when the principal supervisor is unavailable. Refer to section 4.1 of the HDR Supervisor Procedures for more information.
Adjunct supervisors may be appointed to provide additional expertise to the supervisory team. The adjunct role is appropriate where extra expertise would be beneficial, but where the supervisor is not eligible to assume a principal or associate supervisor role, for example, a supervisor external to the university without Flinders full academic status.
The HDR Supervisor Framework consists of:
Refer to section 6 of the HDR Supervisor Procedures. For further information refer to the HDR Supervisor Policy.
For the purposes of the register, a recent masters by research or PhD graduate will be considered ‘research active’ as an early career researcher for a period of 5 years following award of the degree. Therefore, these staff members will be able to supervise the degree that equates to their own qualification level at either Principal or Associate level, as long as a qualified mentor is appointed. Refer to section 3.c.v of the HDR Supervisor Procedures. The additional supervisor needs to have a record of completion as per section 5.c of the HDR Supervisor Policy.
For example, a masters by research graduate can supervise masters by research students, and PhD graduates can supervise both masters by research and doctoral students. In each case a qualified mentor must be appointed. After 5 years, they will be expected to meet the criteria as currently stated in the policy in order to remain eligible to supervise HDR students.
Once academic staff members are placed on the register, whether from the transition period 2011-2012 or through application, they remain there. The only exceptions are for those who resign, retire or do not have their Full Academic Status (FAS) renewed. However, if a staff member becomes research inactive (refer to section 6 of the HDR Supervisor Procedures), they will not be eligible to take on new HDR supervisions until they become research active. Please note that staff who become research inactive may continue supervising their current students.
Compliance with the Register can be viewed in your individual record on the Register of HDR Supervisors via Inspire.
ECR status gives a researcher a five year exemption from the PhD award date to override the research activity requirement, noting that if a researcher is research active according to the HDR Supervisor Procedures, section 6, that will prevail. If a researcher falls below the research active threshold within the five-year exemption, the exemption will be activated until the end-date.
Research Active status exemptions can be requested by individual staff members who provide information/evidence about the plans to become research active.
To remain compliant with the register of HDR supervisors, experienced supervisors need to update their supervisor training every 2 years from 28 March 2018, in accordance with section 4.b.iv of the HDR Supervisor Policy. You can view your individual compliance record via Inspire on the HDR Supervisor Development Summary. For more information refer to the HDR Supervisor Development Program.
Reasons for exemptions to CILT supervisor training can be found in the Academic Supervisor Induction Guidelines for academic staff and supervisors. Evidence of previous training consists of a program that covers the complex environment in which supervision occurs, Flinders University policy and practice regarding HDR supervision and good practice when supervising students.
If you have provided a training course on any aspect of supervision, given a paper at a conference on supervisory practice, provided an information session at college level about supervision practice, or attended a college-run information session on HDR policies and procedures, you will be given credit towards updating your skills and knowledge.
If any of the above applies to you, please advise the Office of Graduate Research via email ( with a subject heading of “Equivalent Supervisor Training”. Please provide as many details as possible, and you will be advised by return email whether it has been approved and recorded on the register.
A qualified principal and associate supervisor needs to be appointed for every student in accordance with the HDR Supervisor Policy. Vice-Presidents and Executive Deans or nominee can approve special cases for supervision and may take into account factors such as the percentage of the research component of the professional doctorate, relevant publications and relevant academic and professional experience in the student's proposed field of study.
At Flinders University as of 2015, all professional doctorates must comprise two-thirds research, the same proportion stipulated by the new Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) for a PhD.
No. The HDR Supervisor Policy sets out the requirements for supervisory teams and inclusion on the register of HDR supervisors. This advises that for new supervisions, a teaching specialist can only hold an adjunct position.
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