The use of technology to support education is essential to ensure a contemporary, innovative and supportive learning environment. The use of technology can take many forms and is tied to various ‘modes’ of study. At Flinders the term ‘digital learning’ has been defined to refer to the use of digital technology to enhance learning. This encompasses all modes of delivery, including online and on campus.
The digital learning framework outlines the overall framework of necessary enablers for digital learning, including fully online learning and the use of digital learning in on campus topics and courses, in a high-quality way. The framework is designed to ensure that the systems, technology, support mechanisms are in place to both expand and improve the experience and meet all regulatory requirements. Associated with the framework is a workplan designed to progress the tasks.
Two key documents have informed the development of this framework; the Higher Education Standards (HES) and the Benchmarks for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) developed by the Australasian Council on Open Distance and eLearning (ACODE).
A copy of the full document is available for download.