Academic Calibration is an external peer review process of selected higher education topics.
It is an important component of the Award Course Improvement and Accreditation Procedures within the Educational Quality Framework and supports compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework.
Flinders University participates in Academic Calibration together with the Innovative Research Universities (IRU) network of universities: Flinders University, Griffith University, James Cook University, La Trobe University, Murdoch University, University of Canberra and Western Sydney University.
As an inter-institutional quality process, Academic Calibration aims to provide a comparable review and constructive feedback for selected higher education topics, in order to:
This benchmarking exercise facilitates compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework which expects higher education providers to undertake “regular external referencing of the success of student cohorts against comparable courses of study including … the assessment methods and grading of students” (Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, Standard 5.3.4).
The primary benefit of evaluating and improving topics is the positive impact on students who participate in them. Additionally, active participation in the calibration process offers numerous benefits at both the academic and institutional levels.
Nominating your topic for Academic Calibration provides an opportunity for you to:
Topic coordinators are encouraged to nominate as calibrators of other IRU topics to experience calibration from both perspectives.
Each university selects topics they would like to calibrate. These are distributed to calibration coordinators at each university to find suitable calibrators.
The topic coordinator will select one assessment task from the topic and collate student samples and supporting materials relating to the topic. Student samples are de-identified and sent on to the calibrating university.
The calibrator receives materials and has a four-week window to evaluate all items and complete an online report. The report is returned to the topic coordinator.
Once the review process is complete, a short process evaluation will be filled out by both the calibrator and topic coordinator to allow for continuous review and improvement of the calibration process.
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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