Flexitime, part-time work and purchased leave
The University has a range of flexible work options available to eligible staff members such as the examples listed below.
An arrangement where leave may be taken in lieu of certain hours worked by agreement. Relevant information is available in the Flexitime Arrangement Procedures.
Reduced fraction
The ability to temporarily reduce your existing employment fraction to half-time (or less by negotiation) for an agreed period to care for a family member. Relevant information is available in the Temporary Reduction of Employment Fraction for Family Care Purposes Policy.
Purchase additional leave
The ability to apply to purchase additional leave each year. Relevant information is available in the Purchased Leave Policy.
Requests for flexible working arrangements
Staff members who have had at least 12 months’ continuous service with the University have a broad right under the University’s enterprise agreement to request a flexible working arrangement.
Staff members may also have a right to request a flexible working under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Fair Work Act) if, specifically, they:
Under the Fair Work Act, casual employees must have worked regularly and systematically for the University for at least 12 months and there must be a reasonable expectation of continuing such regular and systematic work .
The University’s enterprise agreement sets out the conditions for requesting a flexible working arrangement – a copy of the enterprise agreement can be found here.
The Fair Work Ombudsman has published information about the conditions for requesting a flexible working arrangement under the Fair Work Act, which can be found on its website here.
Any flexible working arrangement that is requested will be considered on a case-by-case basis. While the University seeks to provide a flexible work environment, there may be occasions when a request for a particular flexible working arrangement is not able to be accommodated.
How to apply for a flexible working arrangement
What happens after applying for a flexible working arrangement?
Before making a written request for a flexible working arrangement
The University encourages you to talk to your supervisor before making a request for a flexible working arrangement so you can explore options together. The following questions may assist in a discussion:
Special paid leave and leave without pay
Depending on the circumstances that apply, staff members may also be able to access entitlements under the University’s enterprise agreement to special paid leave or leave without pay – a copy of the enterprise agreement can be found here. Please contact your College or Portfolio People and Culture Business Partnering Team for more information if needed.