The CNHS Learning and Teaching Academy serves to invigorate, facilitate and celebrate innovations in teaching and learning in the College. The CNHS Learning and Teaching Academy forms part of the broader Flinders University Learning and Teaching Academy, which unites individual College Academies into a hub and spoke model with an overarching institutional framework. At the College level, the CNHS Learning and Teaching Academy provides a structure which consolidates and develops innovative approaches to university learning, teaching, and educational scholarship.
The CNHS Learning and Teaching Academy comprises seven Communities of Practice (CoP) that are aligned with College priorities and that have an overarching vision to re-imagine health, care and support workforce education through nurturing and transformative education experiences.
The CNHS LTA is open to anyone involved in education in CNHS, including teaching specialists, research-active academics, academic status holders, clinical educators, and professional staff.
Meet the team
“I believe connecting curriculum with real-world examples empowers students to apply and test their learning in practical and authentic ways. It challenges us all to continuously check and expand our understanding in an ever-evolving world and inspires us to critically reflect on our existing assumptions. Add a dash of compassion and kindness, and we have an opportunity to create competent, caring and inquisitive health, care and support professionals.”
Sebastian is a Speech Pathologist with a passion for swallowing function and rehabilitation. He teaches Anatomy and Physiology as well as Swallowing Disorders in the Speech Pathology courses. As Interim Dean Education, he facilitates the activities of the CNHS Learning and Teaching Academy and is College Lead for all things International. He also leads the development of new and innovative courses within the College. Sebastian is internationally recognised for his research in swallowing impairment (dysphagia) and maintains an active research program.
“Digital learning is embedded within virtually all teaching and learning activities, providing us with exciting opportunities. Our challenge is to understand how to best integrate this into our teaching to maximise student success while supporting our staff in navigating this ever-evolving space.”
Matt is a Physiotherapist who joined Flinders University in 2013. Currently, Matt is the Academic Lead for the Master of Physiotherapy program, as well as teaching into the Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy stream. Matt has over 20 years of clinical experience with a strong interest in advanced scope physiotherapy, having developed and worked in multiple roles across South Australia.
“I believe that meaningful interprofessional education and practice is critical for the delivery of effective, holistic, person-centred care to individuals and families across the lifespan, in all contexts”
Alicia is an endorsed Nurse Practitioner and Senior Lecturer (Clinical/Practitioner) in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, teaching students in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate nursing programs, including the Master of Nurse Practitioner. Alicia has experience in neurology, rehab, and rural and remote nursing as well as 14 years in the Paediatric Emergency Department, specialising in minor trauma management. Alicia was the first endorsed NP in Paediatric Emergency in South Australia, and transitioned to primary health care, with a focus on child development in 2020, helping families navigate the often-complex health system.
"As a university, I believe we have unique and exciting opportunity to create clinical experiences that simultaneously reflect best contemporary research whilst simultaneously educating our students and collaborating with industry"
Clare is a Speech pathologist who joined the Flinders University Speech Pathology team as an academic in 2021. Currently, Clare is the Placement Education Coordinator for Speech Pathology and has been part of establishing innovative clinical experiences for Flinders University students with a focus on translating evidence-based practice into clinical care and interprofessional education.
Clare currently teaches into the Speech Pathology programs with a focus on acquired communication disorders and complex adult conditions impacting communication and swallowing.
"Quality education is underpinned and shaped by assessment design and feedback; they guide student learning, encourage and enable the application of critical thinking, promote student engagement, improve teaching and increase accountability of students and academics."
Karleen is a Teaching Specialist within the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, with a passion for teaching and positive learning experiences. The importance of connecting with students and creating positive learning environments has driven a 24 year career in education, firstly within Industry and now in Academia. She has held leadership roles (Nursing Director) within Industry and have had wide exposure to education and clinical governance that assist to shape and inform teachable moments that are grounded in practice. She has a strong belief that she hasa responsibility to support colleagues and students to be successful in their teaching and learning endeavours, which she continues in her role as a Teaching Specialist.
“Flinders University’s mission statement “changing lives and changing the world” recognises the importance of our graduates’ role in a global context. Our international students are such an important part of this. They provide a richness and a perspective that facilitates this mission, supports graduates for success in our communities and takes our Flinders graduates back across the globe. Our international students bring the world to us and should always feel part of Flinders.”
Lauren is currently the Course Coordinator of the Master of Speech Pathology and Senior Lecturer in the Bachelor and Master of Speech Pathology programs at Flinders University. She has been a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist for over 25 years, with expertise in the areas of assessment, diagnosis and intervention with children with complex communication, feeding and developmental disorders. She is a passionate educator and has a keen interest in how students develop their professional identities. Lauren is also a strong advocate for our international students and alumni, supporting them to achieve success and facilitation of evidence-based speech pathology practices in their home countries.
“As a university we have a social responsibility to produce curriculum that is fearless in the way it questions social structures, instead developing thinking that does not cause harm and will challenge our understandings as thinkers of the future.”
Keera is a Ngarrindjeri woman from the Coorong region of South Australia, a mother and a Registered Nurse. Keera completed a Masters’ degree in 2022, the thesis of which focused on undergraduate nursing curriculum and racism in health. Keera has been working in academia since 2016 after working exclusively in clinical roles for several years prior to this transition. Her clinical roles have been across a variety of settings in SA and NT; from metropolitan emergency departments, remote communities and general practice. Her areas of interest centralise on racism in curriculum, health equity, community-controlled programs and research, and Indigenous methodologies.
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
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