Independent Studies Projects are short projects that for our students are an opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a real life setting and for our expert advisors provide the capacity to contribute towards a project, with the assistance of one of our highly motivated students.
Final year students from two courses can support your project. Bachelor or Master of Nutrition and Dietetics students, completes the topic part-time within a 10 week block. There is a 2 week lead up time to the project where the student and expert advisor develop the project and personal learning plan, 5 weeks when the students work on the project, and then 2-3 weeks of writing up of the final outcomes of the project. Students complete their projects in one of four rotations throughout the year.
Final-year Bachelor of Human Nutrition students are available to complete ISP within the University semester. They do at least 140 hours of project time which is flexible and is negotiated with you but is roughly one-day per week over the semester.
Please note that the topic coordinator is available to discuss the suitability of the project and answer any of your queries with you or your team.
Further details can be obtained from Louisa Matwiejczyk, Topic Coordinator on or 7221 8848.