Information and Digital Services (IDS) provides information and digital technology services and support to the Flinders University staff and student community.
Our core services include:
8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
excluding public holidays
Luke Havelberg
Chief Information Officer
IDS contains three IDS Engagement and Success groups that are dedicated to understanding our customers’ needs and ensuring that projects are delivered consistently. The domain-specific groups each service a different part of the University (Education, Research and Portfolios) and exist to partner with the staff across the University and deliver a program of technology-enabled change projects.
IDS Research and Education Programs
Geraint Draheim
Senior IDS Platforms Lead, Education Success
IDS Portfolios Program
Chris Hutton
Associate Director, IDS Infrastructure and Portfolios Engagement & Success
The IDS Delivery Capability & Support group is responsible for leading and directing the development, management and continuous improvement of key IDS capabilities required to deliver value to our customers successfully. The group provides a home for our various delivery ‘Capability Hubs’ and ensures our delivery capabilities are nurtured, matured, and applied consistently across IDS. Aligned to the Project Lifecycle, delivery capabilities include: Enterprise & Solution Architecture; Integration; Planning, Data & Analytics; Business Improvement; Change Management; Learning and Knowledge Management; Design Thinking/Customer Experience/User Experience.
David Dickinson
Associate Director, IDS Service Delivery and Incident Management
The IDS Risk, Governance and Ways of Working group is responsible for the management and continuous improvement of important risk, governance and ways of working across IDS.
Susan Damiani
Senior IDS Risk & Audit Specialist
The Information Security & Identity Management group looks after the security and privacy of University systems and staff and student data. The teams proactively monitors and protects Flinders IT systems from external threats to ensure they remain available for our customers to use at all times.
To get in touch with the Information Security and Identity Access Management teams please contact us via the email addresses listed below. To report a security incident or for an urgent response please contact the IDS Service Desk.
Contact Information Security team
Contact the Identity Services team
The IDS Platform Management & Development group consists of six domain focussed platform support teams. Teams are responsible for effective support, management and ongoing development of University systems. The six platform support teams are: Research Support; Service Management & Process Automation, Student & Financial Management, Student Learning & Teaching, CRM, Web & Marketing, Human Resources Management.
Kirsty Mosely
Associate Director, IDS Platform Management & Development
The IDS Cloud, Infrastructure & Service Delivery Management group consists of three teams that manage core IT infrastructure, provide audio visual services and first-line support for supported Flinders IT systems.
The IDS Cloud & Infrastructure Services team manage and support core IT infrastructure and cloud services. The IDS Service Delivery team provides first-line support via the Service Desk for Flinders staff and students, while the Audio Visual, Simulation and Event Services team supports the University with teaching and learning and event audio visual needs.
Ivan Brawley
Senior IDS Cloud & Server Services Specialist
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays
After hours or when all staff are busy you will be given an option to leave a voicemail message. Voicemails will be accessed as soon as practical during business hours otherwise you may choose to log an IT support request.
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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