Establishment: | Vice-Chancellor's Committee, 9 April 2014 |
Responsible Officer: | Director, Property, Facilities and Development |
To provide guidance on the appropriate use of university facilities, to enable the distributed management of facilities and to support the effective and efficient use of associated University resources.
This document applies to bookable resources, and covers the following:
The University owns and manages a variety of different spaces. The main purpose of university space is to support the delivery of high-quality teaching, to provide space for productive research and to create a campus that plays an active role in the community.
The University, rather than any organisational unit or individual, is the owner of its physical assets. As a critical asset, space is to be shared and used in a flexible and co-operative way to achieve the best outcomes for the university community.
The use of the University’s physical facilities by individuals, groups, or organisations external to the University must be compatible with the University’s mission and goals. The University may refuse, at its discretion, any request to hire space in a university venue.
Property, Facilities and Development is responsible for ensuring the ongoing management and usage analysis of the University’s facilities. This includes responsibility for the ongoing management, planning and provision of teaching and meeting spaces.
Property, Facilities and Development is responsible for classification of general and specialist teaching spaces, and for maintaining and disseminating complete, accurate and up- to-date information about all bookable resources. This will require the provision and coordination of information by other units (e.g. audio-visual equipment).
Property, Facilities and Development is responsible for the naming conventions and related information (e.g. maximum capacity) for the resources, and the protocols for the maintenance and amendment of the rooms list. Resource data modification, and the removal or addition of rooms requires the prior approval of Property, Facilities and Development.
Property, Facilities and Development have responsibility for managing the process for non-teaching bookings and bookable resources. They are also responsible for determining any specific resources which require a restricted approval process and delegating the management of bookings for these specific rooms to the relevant College/Portfolio.
Property, Facilities and Development, in consultation with Colleges and Portfolios, will identify bookable resources that are never used for timetabled classes, for listing on Resource Booker and added to the exchange room calendar list. Where a display panel is located outside the resource an exchange calendar will be required to enable the details of bookings to be displayed.
Property, Facilities and Development and Student Administration Services will identify those rooms used as teaching spaces which can be designated and listed on the timetabling system. These spaces will be also made available in Resource Booker for booking for non-teaching activities.
Student Administration Service, Resources Scheduling Services team is responsible for the delivery of the timetabling system and the teaching spaces for inclusion in Resource Booker via the creation and management of location groups.
Information Technology Services is responsible for management of the exchange calendar systems with Property, Facilities and Development are responsible for the creation and management of calendars related to bookable resources.
In rooms designed for teaching, teaching activities will be given priority over other types of room bookings. No adjustments will be made to the academic timetable to accommodate non-teaching bookings other than in exceptional circumstances (e.g. international conferences and symposia, significant University-wide events) which must be approved by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Students) or nominee.
Marketing (DVC-S Portfolio) will be responsible the prioritisation and booking of events within university spaces subject to the Room Booking Principles outlined in this document.
Once teaching activities for a year have been scheduled, non-teaching activities/bookings may be made on a ‘first-come, first served’ basis by any member of the University.
Any non-teaching booking of Teaching space must be done in accordance with the University Timetabling Policy.
Conflicts arising from the application of these priorities and related decisions will be initially dealt with via communication between the relevant booking parties and their managers. Where a satisfactory resolution cannot be found the matter will be referred to the Director, Property, Facilities and Development (or nominee) for a decision after appropriate consultation.
Property, Facilities and Development has the right to refuse or revoke any non-teaching booking not in accordance with these Principles.
All persons booking University rooms, or, where applicable, the nominated person on whose behalf the booking is made, are required to ensure that their use of the room conforms to the following conditions:
If a room booking is made for a third party by a person who will not themselves be present at, and responsible for, the activity then full details (name, address, and contact details) of the responsible person must be provided at the time of booking.