* R drive is only accessible off campus by using the Flinders remote network access (VPN)
** Stage of data capture - Active is for research projects that are still gathering/processing data, Storage is for finalised data that needs to be held but not necessarily published in an open access repository, Open Data is for data that can/should be made public in an open access repository.
Note: Researchers should always review the conditions of the research project contract / funding conditions.
The R Drive is the university’s on-premise enterprise storage solution for researchers. Managed internally by the IDS team at Flinders’ University, it provides safe and secure storage and management of research data which meets the requirements of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
All data is stored on Flinders’ University owned and operated hardware. Replication to a second site (geographic replication) ensures the safety and resiliency of data on the platform. There are different options available for retention of data on R Drive. While data is stored on the platform and not deleted, it will be retained indefinitely. There are three retention options for users of the R Drive;
Suitable for data up to and including Restricted classification. R Drive does not provide encryption at rest for data only encryption of data in flight. Data is transmitted over secure encrypted and authenticated connections. Access to R Drive folders is controlled by Flinders’ IDS staff on request from folder admin users. Data security is governed by the university’s Information Security Policy.
Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud-based document storage platform available to all staff and students, allowing you to: Store up to 1TB of data, share and collaborate securely with other staff and external users and recover earlier versions of documents. OneDrive for Business has been certified to store any University documents classified as public, internal only and restricted. Any highly confidential documents should not be stored on OneDrive for Business.
Store up to 1TB of data. Once the 1TB cap is reached, there is a 24 hour outage where data cannot be accessed.
OneDrive allows you to easily share and collaborate securely with other staff and external users. Careful consideration needs to be taken prior to sharing data outside of the institution.
OneDrive allows you to recover earlier versions of documents. Version history is stored for 12 months from the date of the last change. Version history will be kept for 12 months after the owner leaves the institution and then will no longer be available. If data becomes corrupted or lost, it can be recovered by request but the folders and structure will be lost.
OneDrive for Business has been certified to store any University documents classified as public, internal only and restricted. Any highly confidential documents should not be stored on OneDrive for Business.
ROADS is a dedicated space for making Flinders research data open using the Figshare online platform.
Open data is the process of making raw data files gathered during the course of research openly accessible online. Grant funding bodies and publishers are increasingly requesting researchers to make data associated with research outputs publicly available. Uploading your material to ROADS can increase exposure to research data by making it findable and citable with a permanent link (DOI).
More information about ROADS can be found on the Library site.